Translated from Bahasa Indonesia into English by Sylvia Antaresa
Source: http://www.rimanews.com/read/20110630/33
Declaration of the Attitude of the Christian Judiciary Observer Forum for Anand Krishna Indonesia
June 30th, 2011 04:30 West Indonesia Time Zone
It’s still fresh in our memory the opinions, facts disclosed by a number of TV channels, Radio, printed, and online media. We also have been following this case since the beginning of the allegation, which started from the report to Women’s National Commission until the trials. And then emerged the embarrassing news for the Judiciary when the Head of the Panel of Judges (Hari Sasangka SH. MH) was caught meeting one Prosecuting Witness (Shinta Kencana Kheng) – which was consistent with the report of the eyewitnesses to the Judicial Committee, until the replacement of the Head of the Panel of Judges (Hari Sasangka SH. MH).
After we have observed, sorted the data, the facts in the trials and the opinions from various circles, which enables us to comprehend the substance of this case, therefore, we declare our attitude:
1. That this case is a “it’s said, it’s said” case because it is not proved until the end of the trial which was presided by the Head of the Panel of Judges Hari Sasangka, who now has been replaced. There was no testimony which stated that the witnesses did witness the incident themselves.
2. The articles charged (Article 290 in conjunction with Article 290 and Article 64), have never been proved till the trial is finished. Nobody of the witnesses witnessed the incident. And strangely, the questions asked by the judge concerned more with the thoughts of Anand Krishna than with the sexual harassment allegations.
3. A number of peculiarities which were permitted to happen during the hearings such as: the Prosecuting Witness remained in the courtroom, the insult against the Judiciary by a witness (Abrory Jabbar), irrelevant questions (regarding the thoughts of AK) were allowed to be present at trial processes. It has clearly harmed the Judiciary and it violated the principle of the enforcement of truth, justice, and honesty.
4. As the Honorable Prosecutor, Martha Berliana Tobing, SH., has already known, this case received attentions nationally and internationally. So this case should be terminated immediately because it does not qualify to be brought to trial or meet the elements of crime.
5. Dear Honorable Prosecutor Ms Martha Berliana Tobing, SH., if this case is forced to continue, it will harm many people who have been inspired by the ideas, the thoughts of Anand Krishna regarding diversity, pluralism, and Pancasila. His existence is very much needed at this time in order to give inspiration to the moral movements of the youth against all forms of actions to undermine the Republic of Indonesia.
6. Dear Honorable Prosecutor Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH., the community which was initiated by Anand Krishna since its inception is concerned with the Freedom of Religion. Related to the attacks on churches, they already signed the Online Petition Rejecting the Destruction of Houses of Worship in Indonesia at the end of 2009. The petition has been submitted officially to the Human Rights Commission and even it has received the attention and appreciation from Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) as stated in their report in 2011 (source: http://www.csw.org.uk/home.htm).
7. Ironically, their struggles also helped defending the church (HKBP) where you belong.
8. Dear Honorable Prosecutor Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH., we have been warned that there were alleged serious human rights violations against AK. It began when Anand Krishna went on hunger strike for 49 days (March 9th – April 26th, 2011). His intravenous medication was removed and he was sent back to Cipinang Penitentiary while this decision is in contradictory with the recommendation of the doctors at the Police Hospital. Is this humane?
9. Honorable Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH., We understand your weighty tasks that you are facing. Yet above everything is the value of honesty and justice as taught by Jesus Christ – the Great Judge we have to uphold (Luke 18:3-4).
10. We pray also that Honorable Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH. may be spared from the conspiracy, a fabricated case that is committed deliberately by a third party.
May Jesus Christ the Great Judge protect and bless the work and service of Honorable Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH. Thank you. Shalom.
An Open Letter to the Honorable Prosecutor Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH.
Dear Honorable Prosecutor,
Martha Berliana Tobing, SH.
At the Office of Prosecutor of South Jakarta
Attachment: 3 bundles (Declaration of Attitude, clippings from media and sympathizer’s Forum data)
About: Support to remain at ‘Jesus Christ’s Way of Compassion’
No: 03/B/ForKrisPeraAdilan – AK/VI/2011
Please permit us to introduce ourselves. We are Christian Judiciary Observer Forum for Anand Krishna (in Indonesian ForKrisPerAdilan – AK). We are from various church denominations, names. We have attached our addresses and other information in the letter. This forum is a form of reaction and our concern as respondents of different media: online, web, FB, and Blog which are suspicious about the peculiarities and injustice that are happening – the process of trials that does not correspond with the article charged.
Based on the deep concern we have, we deliver this letter to you. The honorable Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH., we know that your job as a Prosecutor in the case of Anand Krishna is very weighty. But we care more about you, Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH., as our sister in ‘faith’ – Christian. We hope you prioritize the enforcement of Truth, Honesty and Justice (even more) which is based on facts and legal logic.
We pray for dear Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH. May you be spared from the entanglement of conspiracy that feels overwhelming this case. May the Love of Jesus Christ always protect, brings light to your mind and heart in performing your duties. We also pray that Ms. Martha Berliana Tobing, SH. fortifies herself against incitements to distant herself from the Love message of Jesus Christ
We are very concerned so this forum will continue to monitor, to study all the facts and the opinions of experts in various printed media, online, TV and radio. This case has received the world’s attention. Furthermore, it is our moral responsibility to keep voicing it, forwarding it to the international world.
We do this solely because of the figure of Anand Krishna. He means so much to the struggle on Pluralism/Diversity, Nationalism. And he even actively defends the churches that have been attacked by a group of irresponsible people. He is a figure needed by the young generation in order to maintain the Republic of Indonesia.
For your kindness and cooperation we thank you very much. Shalom
Sincerely yours,
Jakarta Coordinator
(David E. Purba S.Sos)
1. Head of the Office of Prosecutor of South Jakarta
2. Head of the South Jakarta District Court
3. Chairman of the Supreme Court
4. Chairman of the Judicial Commission of the Republic of Indonesia
5. Mr. President of the Republic of Indonesia
6. Mr. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia
7. Chairman of People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia
8. Chairman of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia
9. Churches Union of Indonesia (PGI)
10. Churches Representative Conference of Indonesia (KWI)
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