Agustus 11, 2011

Harassment Case of Anand Krishna, Prosecutor’s Witness Absent Again

Jakarta : Indonesia | Aug 11, 2011

Anand Krishna
Spiritual Activist from Indonesia

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Harassment Case of Anand Krishna, Prosecutor’s Witness Absent Again

Thursday, August 11, 2011 West Indonesia Time Zone

JAKARTA, RIMANEWS – The witness called by the prosecutor Martha Berliana Tobing, SH., Dian Maya Sari was absent again for the fourth time in the trial of sexual harassment case against Anand Krishna. This time, Dian Maya Sari provided a sick leave.

In order to speed up the judicial process that has taken more than a year time, the lawyer of the interfaith spiritual figure presented two witnesses from Anand Ashram’s Fans Community (KPAA), namely Ir. M. Yudanegara and Norma L Tanoko.

In his testimony, M Yuda denied the occurrence of sexual harassment in the Ashram. “I’m involved in all the activities of the Ashram for 20 years and I have never heard or seen any harassment acts as charged during all this time,” said the professional who works for an international bank in Jakarta

The witness Yuda added, his wife and his daughter are also active in the Ashram. They also have never experienced, seen, or heard such cruel allegations

The lawyer of Anand Krishna (AK), Humphrey Djemat said, Yuda explained that he was once reported by the family of Tara for allegedly committing an unpleasant act by taking Tara away from her home. The allegations are not true, according to him.

“What really happened was the prosecuting witness Tara contacted him and also several other friends to help her because she was being held captive by her parents. Therefore, the witness came to their house to reconcile the two parties. The report was discontinued because there was no element of coercion found, or anything that was unpleasant,” he said.

In the meanwhile, another lawyer of AK, Andreas Nahot Silitonga, explained that the witness Norma revealed an important fact, that in 2005 she was repeatedly contacted by Muhammad Abrory Djabbar and his wife, Dian Maya Sari.

“The witness told us that this couple intimidated her to quit the Ashram as soon as possible because they threatened to destroy the Ashram. If the witness does not quit then she will be destroyed as well,” he explained (yus/SM/Translated by Sylvia Antaresa)


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