Desember 14, 2007


Dimuat di Reader's Digest Asia, November 2007

Thumbs up for Asep Sunandar's effort in "TacklingTerrorism With Art" (Everyday Heroes, June 2007). Hardliners who bomb and kill innocent people tarnish the image of my beloved country, Indonesia.

They use religion to try and justify their destructive actions. However, this puppet master has proven that through traditional "Wayang Golek" we are able to spread the message of love, peace, and harmony to audiences all over the world.

2 komentar:

tutur tawa mengatakan...

This blog shows the rising of Mr.Nugraha, so does the rising of Indonesia... arrie

Unknown mengatakan...

Terima kasih Sobat, mari kita belajar dengan penuh semangat, berkarya dengan penuh kesadaran, bila terjadi kesalahpahaman ataupun kegagalan semoga kita senantiasa saling memaafkan dan segera bangkit kembali. Indonesia Jaya!