Published by ASPENSI.COM – August 9, 2013
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The government has changed the national curriculum in this new academic year (2013-2014). The main reason because of the KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan
or Curriculum Education Unit) was considered too much for the students.
In this context, I cannot agree more with the opinion of Prof. Dr.
Djamaludin Ancok, “If it is too many materials, we just should revise
the Curriculum Education Unit or KTSP. Therefore, we do not need to
change the entire curriculum.”
Moreover, in my humble opinion the
education curriculum relies on the teachers’ quality. Since the
teachers are the main actors in the nation education transformation.
Even after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed and destroyed in World
War II, the Emperor of Japan spontaneously asked, “How many teachers
we have left?” It means that the progress of a nation is in line with
the quality of teachers in the education sector (Anand Krishna, 2008).
Ironically, IKIP (Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
or Teachers’ Training College) for the teacher candidates has been
closed. In 2013 it has been 24 years of the elimination of SPG (Sekolah Pendidikan Guru or Teachers’ Education School) and 17 years after IKIP was changed into merely common university.
According to Darmaningtyas, an education activist from Taman Siswa, the SPG and PGSD (Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar or Teacher Education for Elementary School )
closures was the insistence of the World Bank since the World Bank
considered that the alumni of Teachers’ Education School and the
Teachers’ Training College were not having good teaching skills and lack
of the mastery in basic science locus.
Therefore, related to the changed
of the national, the government must conduct an intense training for
more than 7 million teachers who are educating our future generations
from Sabang to Merauke in Indonesia. By holding a training course, so
the educators are able to effectively teach in their respective
subject areas.
In the next two decades as a
result, the ability of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor of the
students can develop more optimal. It is in line with the thesis of
William W, “Mediocre teacher is teaching. Superior teacher demonstrates
his/her superior authority. Good teacher explains a complicated
lesson in a simple way. Great teacher inspires!”
The next important question is how
to inspire the students in the class? I will answer with a story.
Johnny is a guy with a mental disability. Nevertheless, he continues
to work at one of the supermarket at the rural area in United States.
Diligently he put the grocery items of customers in the recycled bag.
He stands right behind the cashier spot.
His perseverance, honesty, and warm
friendliness bring admiration within the customers. As a result, the
supermarket is always full of shoppers. Why the customers are so
interested? While he put the grocery items of customers in the
recycled bag, Johnny also put in a piece of colorful paper mentioning
some inspirational words.
He writes those inspirational words
at home. Then, he brings the colorful papers while he is in duty.
Gradually, the customers feel there is something within that inspires
them after shopping at the supermarket. Johnny managed to share the
spirit and carve unforgettable memories to the customers.
Indeed, the simple example above
caused a significant impact. Therefore I apply also after learning
English in extracurricular lesson at the Canisius Sleman, Yogyakarta
Junior High School (JHS) every Saturday. There is always a closing
aphorism after the lessons are ended. For example, the words of wisdom
from Plato (427-347 BC), “Be kind, because everyone you meet is
fighting a hard battle.” Then the students perceive it together.
Interestingly, at a time there was
one of the students suggested a brilliant idea, “Sir, how if at every
traffic light stops was fitted with some aphorisms too?” As a result,
the public spaces are not just filled with some ads and – borrowing a
phrase from Sumbo Tinarbuko – visual garbage, but also exhibiting the
values of life virtue.
I am amazed with my student’s idea,
but of course the authority that has the capability to impose it. At
least, we can begin to put the inspirational words in the classroom. It
is in line with the opinion of Aesop, “No act of kindness, no matter
how small, is ever wasted”.
From Beta to Alpha
According to research of Hans
Berger in 1924, human brain waves can be used to detect the brain
hemorrhage such as mental disorders, epilepsy, stroke, and even brain
cancer. That famous German neurologist jotted down the wave of the
human brain in a piece of paper.
He was using radio equipment to
amplify the electrical impulse of a million nerve cells in human
brain. It was such a device is the forerunner of EEG or Electro
Encephalo Graph (Munif Chatib, 2013).
The finding is beneficial
especially related with the learning process in the classroom. In
delta state (0.5 to 3.5 Hz) is not a perfect time to learn since it is
during a sleep period without dreams. There is no way of a teacher to
teach in front of the disciples who were asleep, isn’t it?
Next, theta waves (3.5-7 Hz) is a
condition of sleeping and dreaming. In this period, a bedtime short
story finds its relevance and significance. According to Taufiq
Pasiak, fairy tales presented in an interesting and undoubtedly
sincere way will be memorized by the children until they are growing
up since the fairy tales became the first memory that is downloaded by
the unconscious mind when the our beloved baby started to sleep.
The question is when the right time
to learn? It is in the alpha waves (7-13 Hz) since in this condition
the student can be relaxed and alert at the same time. Their nerve
cells in the brain are in a state of harmony, meaning that the
electrical impulses are firing simultaneously (compact) as well at the
rest time (relaxation).
Last but not least, beta waves
(13-25 Hz) are happened when the road conditions are so crowded. It
can arise anger, annoyance, and stress and so on. This is reflected by
the phenomenon of children who speak for themselves, obstreperous,
reluctant to listen, running around in the classroom, and showing a
hostile facial expression. If we are the teacher insist to continue
the learning process, it is certainly in vain.
Therefore, what’s the solution?
Restore from the beta brainwaves into alpha condition. We can do this
by providing some additional stimulus such as ice breaking activity,
game, singing, fun storytelling, music, brain gym, magic show, etc.
Finally, what is the indicator that
our beloved students are ready to learn again? When they show a happy
face with two beautiful sparkling eyes, their lips curving the
sweetest smile, and even they are laughing cheerfully. This is the
right time to continue the learning process. Happy teaching!

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