Book's Title : Voice of Indonesia
First Published by : Anand Krishna Global Cooperative Society (2007)
Number of Pages: xxv + 260
Price: Rp 50.000
"Peace is the celebration of plurality" - Ms. Shambana Azmi.
This insighful definition of peace was stated by member of the Indian Parliament at the global forum - the power of peace through information and communication - hosted by UNESCO in association with the Indonesian Goverment, in Bali, January 21st - 23rd 2007.
Voice of Indonesia is Anand Krishna's fourth book in English. The book presents three main ideas, My Nation, The World, and Humanity. Through these ideas, Anand Krishna belives that the resurgence of modern Indonesia automatically contributes to mass effort all around the world for making this earth a better place to live on, and even contribute to the building of neo humanity: One Earth One Sky One Humankind.
One of the book's insightful illustrations was shared by. Prof. Sudjarwadi, the Rector of Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. He has a habit of taking a morning walk with his beloved wife. One day they were passing by rice field near their home. They saw an old woman digging the ground. They were curious whay she was digging the ground so early in the morning. Whether it would have been better if she kept on staying at home because it was still dark and it's very cold.
Sudjarwadi's wife asked her,"Excuse me, but may I know what you are doing?" The old woman straightened her back and answered,"Oh, this...I am making a way for water. This is for my neighbour's filed. I'm afraid her rice wouldn't get enough water." What a humble woman, she dug the drainage to make a way so that the water could flow to the neighbour's filed. She left home very early to share with her neighbors. She's like a candle that sparks light in the midst of human greed that often sacrifices others (page ix).
This book also documented the interview between Michele Lee (American Jounalist) and Anand Krishna (Non Run-of-the-Mill Spiritual Guru), which has been published in The Jakarta Post, August 29, 2006. An interesting question appears - why is Love the only solution to solve our multidimensional problems?
Anand Krishna, descent of India born and raised in Surakarta, say that Love is the deepest emotion of human beings. It is the deepest part of human's inner self. When the solution is deep enough, the result is also quite long term. Furthermore, this famous spiritual leader gave an analogy between love and a tree. If the roots grow deep into he earth, then we will have a big tree. So this is the same thing, we should have asolution that is deep enough within our being and then we can expect a result, which is long term result (page xv).
The language style of the book very simple, friendly and fungky. Kerry B. Collison, international best-selling author commented on it, "Renowed spiritualist Anand Krishna's compilation of his perpectives in English article released as "Voice of Indonesia" is a "must read". Each topic is different; with core mesages about love and spiritual self-empowerment." Yes! Voice of Indonesia is the rhythm of love, peace and harmony that resemble in our heart.
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