November 14, 2012

Reaksi Akar Rumput dan Masyarakat Internasional atas Eksekusi terhadap Anand Krishna


Putu Sripuji Astuti W

Surat Terbuka kepada Penguasa

Bila Execusi ini tetap berlangsung, maka akan terjadi pertumpahan darah, karena Tidak menerima keputusan yg cacat Hukum adalah suatu Keniscayaan!!

Akan terjadi gejolak sosial dikalangan Ashram2 yg tergabung di Dewan pashraman, juga kalangan spiritualis dan aktivis2..peserta meditasi, workshop2 yg telah dan pernah mengikuti program, serta pembaca buku Ak seantero Nusantara dan orang2 yg terketuk hatinya melihat kezaliman merajalela, masyarakat dunia hingga PBB.

Pelanggaran Ham terhadap Aktivis Spiritual ini akan disorot media nasional dan asing dan kaum aktivis2 international..Sebagai Kejahatan Kemanusiaan yg terjadi di BALI, apabila eksekusi berhasil membawa mayat Tokoh Spiritual Dunia yg linknya hingga ke PBB dll.

Sadarkah Hal ini Hai Penguasa???Bali sebagai Pulau Perdamaian akan Tercoreng dgn kasus Eksekusi ini….

Satyam Eva Jayate!!


Sudi Martana

Wahai Pemerintah : Melakukan Pelanggaran Hukum terhadap Tokoh Nasional-Internasional yg dicintai masyarakatnya & diakui kredibilitasnya oleh PBB adalah suatu tindakan BODOH! Segera koreksi kesalahan fatal yg dilakukan MA RI sebelum terlambat!

Jangan sampai masyarakat Indonesia yg mencintai Anand Krishna, masyarakat Internasional, bahkan PBB “menghujat” anda karena tidak “becus” menangani pelanggaran Konstitusional MA RI terhadap Anand Krishna.



Gerard Barrie from UK

I am writing to let you know that I wholeheartedly support the brave struggle that you and your supporters are carrying out in order to bring a fair and independent judicial system and the right of freedom of speech to Indonesia.

I’m sure that the people of Indonesia will awaken to what you and your supporters are struggling to achieve and see that without these conditions, life is devoid of all useful purpose and meaning.

Maybe, it could be that at the moment most people are being intimidated into being silent or feel that these issues don’t affect them but I’m sure that at some point through your actions, people will wake up to the importance of living a life that is free from fear and intimidation, both for themselves and future generations.

Sylvia and I have been working hard to bring to the attention of a wider audience, the injustices that have been committed against you and the people of Indonesia, through such an attack on your right to a fair trial which renders meaningless, the integrity of the Indonesian judicial system which belongs to the Indonesian people and not a group of radical elements and corrupt people who feel that they can do with it, what they please.

We will also continue to strive to bring people’s attention, the gross injustices that have been perpetrated against you, your supporters, the people of Indonesia and anyone who views the right to a fair trial and freedom of speech as an essential right that cannot be given or taken away by anyone.

I feel honored to have been able to have taken part in such a task to help bring justice to your part of the world and cherish the friendship of you and your supporters, which has come about through you and your supporters fight for justice.


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